Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Taxi Driver (1976)

4.5 / 5
Tagline:  On every street in every city, there's a nobody who dreams of being a somebody.
Directed by:  Martin Scorsese
Written by:  Paul Schrader
Actors include:  Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster, Peter Boyle
Genre:  Crime, Drama, Thriller
Length:  113 minutes
Banned:  Nope

A most powerful film about being fed up with society.  Robert De Niro plays Travis Bickle, a 'Nam vet who suffers from insomnia so he takes on a night shift working as a cab driver in New York.  The more he sees, the more he hates as he watches degenerates and low-lifes everywhere.  Along the way he meets the very young Jodie Foster who is working as a call girl.  He tries to convince her to leave the life and go back to her family, only of course it doesn't seem to work.  The more frustration he feels he begins to snap and buys a bunch of guns and sets out to try to fix things in his own way.  The thing is, can't we all relate to what he's feeling, I mean sure most of us don't do anything about it but it really seems to hit home which is why I think it's so loved.  It will or should make an impression anyhow, and I really do recommend this for most, a classic that is really effective and yet easy to understand.
Availability:  On DVD & Blu-Ray

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