Wednesday, April 13, 2011

King Of New York (1990)

3.5 / 5
Tagline:  The cops tried to stop him their way...Now they'll have to do it HIS way.
Directed by:  Abel Ferrara
Written by:  Nicholas St. John
Actors include:  Christopher Walken, David Caruso, Laurence Fishburn
Genre:  Crime, Drama, Action
Length:  103 minutes
Banned:  Nope

Why sure this has tons of awesome gun violence, and Christopher Walken to boot and if that is all you are looking for then you should love this.  They didn't bother too much with character development and it felt like it was missing something somehow...maybe as if it were too simple?  The plot is that Frank White (Walken) has just been released from jail and is taking over his old crime syndicate.  He doesn't just stop there as he has a mission to run the entire town, and he's not afraid to kill the heck out of every person that gets in his way.  The Cops are hot on his trail, and his drug associates don't exactly seem to be keeping up their end of the deal.  There is also lots of rap music, shootings and even a nice guy plan to give tons of money to a hospital to help people.  Although it was quite impressive in some ways it just didn't measure up to what I had expected, especially considering it's stellar reputation.
Availability:  On Blu-Ray & DVD

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