Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Harlequin (1980) aka Dark Forces

2.5 / 5 Oct '10
Tagline: He'll take you to the brink of reality
Directed by: Simon Wincer
Written by: Everett De Roche
Actors include: Robert Powell, David Hemmings, Carmen Duncan
Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Political, Thriller
Length: 95 minutes
Banned: Nope

Well I didn't like this one as much as I thought I would, I blame it on the general fantasy thing though. See much of this required further explanation and well they just don't offer that. The plot is kind of about a boy who is dying of cancer, but is miraculously cured by a weirdo who shows up out of nowhere. The weirdo (healer...etc) sort of appears in the child's life, from time to time and he tries to teach them lessons about power corrupting (I think). I will be honest, aside from the very basics I didn't much understand this, from a horror aspect it's completely unsatisfying as well as from a story aspect. I've read this is in some way a take on the Rasputin story though I'm not really sure, it might be true. If nothing more the film appears to be well made, and it has a budget and is creative. It's just definitely not the film for me, definitely more of a fantasy Politics film more than anything else unfortunately.

Availability:  On DVD

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