Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Absolution (1978) aka Death By Confession

4 / 5 Oct '10
Tagline: N/A
Directed by: Anthony Page
Written by: Anthony Shaffer
Actors include: Richard Burton, Dominic Guard, David Bradley
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Drama
Length: 95 minutes
Banned: Nope

Although this starts out like a rather stuffy drama at an English Catholic School, it works into one heck of a wicked mystery if you are patient. Richard Burton plays Father Goddard, a stodgy leader whom the boys seem to quite dislike. They devise a plan to trick the Priest using the rules of confession, see Priests cannot tell anyone what they hear during confession. A boy tells the Priest that he killed a hobo and where for him to find the body. It turns out that it's a scarecrow, but later in confession he claims he's actually killed the hobo this time for real and to look in the same place. This time of course there is a body. It's really rather intense and I love how our perceptions change as this goes on, or maybe that was just me. It is a bit dry but the story was more than enough to keep me hanging on, also Burton's portrayal is really impressive. Watch it if you like a good thriller but be prepared to be patient for the first while, it will pay off.

Availability:  Not on DVD

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