Saturday, May 7, 2011

To Live And Die In L.A. (1985)

3.5 / 5 May '10
Tagline: The director of "The French Connection" is on the streets again!
Directed by: William Friedkin
Written by: William Friedkin, Gerald Petievich
Actors include: William Petersen, Willem Dafoe, John Pankow
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Length: 116 minutes
Banned: Norway

I was not as enamored with this as I'd thought I might be. I adored The French Connection, and this has a rather similar nature, it's just not as effective and it has a few problems with it. First of all the plot is kinda silly, it's all about counterfeit money...seriously. An idiotically obsessed Cop (William Petersen) gets a boner for revenge against a counterfeitter when his Partner is killed two days before retirement (seriously...cliche city!). His new partner wants to play by the rules but he's a frickin' moron who is determined to commission counterfeit money from Willem Dafoe. The music is horrendous, it's all done by Wang Chung who spent most of the movie pretending they were Tangerine Dream, distractingly bad. The first half of the film also doesn't have a heck of a lot going on, a few fine moments jumbled in with a lot of mediocre stuff. The last half is exciting, particularly the ending which definitely made up for many shortcomings it has. The film is quite violent which I appreciate, and there is a pretty awesome chase scene here too but I've seen better. It's worth a watch, but hang in there and don't expect to be as impressed by this as some of the other similar thrillers out there.

Availability:  On DVD & Blu-Ray

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