Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bring Me The Head Of Alfredo Garcia (1974)

4.5 / 5 Dec '09
Tagline: It's got guts!
Directed by: Sam Peckinpah
Written by: Frank Kowalski, Sam Peckinpah
Actors include: Warren Oates, Isela Vega, Robert Webber
Genre: Crime, Thriller, Adventure, Western, Drama
Length: 112 minutes
Banned: Nope

At first I wondered what the heck was up with this movie as it shows some awful strange things that characters do that seem like they should have explanations but they don't. Once I came to accept and just appreciate the events that were unfolding in front of me I really enjoyed the heck out of it. It sort of gives off a Pulp Fiction vibe though the two share nothing plot wise. The story is about a young girl who is impregnated by a man named Alfredo Garcia. Since her family has money and power they offer a million dollar bounty on his head (hence the title). We meet up with a bartender and his prostitute girlfriend who go on a road trip together to try and get that head for they really need the money. The characters are given real depth to their personalities and are extremely well acted and believable which makes this all the more interesting. This is an extremely violent and depressing in many ways picture, but it's always exciting and beautiful to watch. It's shocking to see just exactly how much goes down all over one simple pregnancy. Definitely one of those films that I think just about anyone could enjoy, it really does have everything from romance to thrills.

Availability:  On DVD

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