Monday, May 9, 2011

Seance On A Wet Afternoon (1964)

4.5 / 5 Feb '10
Tagline: N/A
Directed by: Bryan Forbes
Written by: Bryan Forbes, Mark McShane
Actors include: Kim Stanley, Richard Attenborough, Judith Donner
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller
Length: 119 minutes
Banned: Nope

This is one positively gripping thriller that doesn't rely on bells and whistles, only direct story telling and sheerly brilliant acting. Kim Stanley is amazing as Myra, a psychic who hasn't been all that successful so together with her weak willed husband Billy (Richard Attenborough) they device a scheme. They decide to kidnap (erm borrow) the daughter of a rich family and hold her hostage, then try to boost the claims of Myra's psychic powers by offering useful information. Billy's reluctance is really quite something, the dynamic between the couple is much like that of Hyacinth & Richard from the tv show Keeping Up Appearances only instead of just being irritating Myra is down right insane! Things of course go downhill from there and the whole scheme gets quite mixed up but it's the sort of thing one can't take their eyes off of. Very atmospheric, it may appear rather slow to some but it's all so purposeful I find it impossible to fault the film for that. Really one heck of a classic that I can't believe I've never heard mention of until recently, definitely you must see this!

Availability:  On DVD

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