Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cardiac Arrest (1980)

2 / 5 Nov '09
Tagline: Some killers want more than just your life...
Directed by: Murray Mintz
Written by: Murray Mintz
Actors include: Garry Goodrow, Max Gail, Michael Paul Chan
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Drama
Length: 93 minutes
Banned: Nope

A very cheap looking film about a fellow they call "The Missing Hearts Murderer"...seriously! The detectives just bumble about doing stupid thing with evidence after stupid thing. The actors are less than skilled, and it's as dry as can possibly be especially with the dialog...sheesh! It appears that the culprit is using Curare darts to stun the victim before removing the heart...could it be? What could the possible motive be? As this goes on we follow a Woman who has issues with her heart who needs a transplant who is left with only luck for a donor. That is until she receives a phone call offering to remove the element of chance with her wait... It's not really a horror flick (though falsely billed as one), Police flick yes and maybe a thriller (although I wasn't thrilled) but more likely a mystery...the only violence is darkly lit and barely visible and it seems like so little happens over a very long time. It's definitely not something I'd recommend to anyone as there are better films about this subject matter and seriously I did have to force myself to sit through it sadly. It's very cheesy and maybe a laugh or two to be had within but I'm afraid that's the best you're gonna get! Really it's like an extended Matlock episode only less charming unfortunately.

Availability:  On DVD (but OOP) or watch for free here:

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